Class GenshinDiaryModuleInternal

A module to interact with the Genshin Impact diary endpoints of the Hoyolab API





  • Returns the diary details of a given type and month for a user


    • type: DiaryEnum

      A DiaryEnum value for the type of diary details requested

    • month: DiaryMonthEnum = DiaryMonthEnum.CURRENT

      A DiaryMonthEnum value for the month of the diary details requested. Default is CURRENT.

    Returns Promise<IGenshinDiaryDetail>

    A promise that resolves to an IGenshinDiaryDetail object

    NodeHoyoError when the uid or region parameter is missing or invalid, or when the type or month parameter is invalid

    This method sends a request to the Genshin Impact API to get the daily note information for a user. The user's region and UID must be set before calling this method, otherwise an error will be thrown.

  • Returns the diary information of a given month for a user


    • month: DiaryMonthEnum = DiaryMonthEnum.CURRENT

      A DiaryMonthEnum value for the month of the diary information requested. Default is CURRENT.

    Returns Promise<IGenshinDiaryInfo>

    A promise that resolves to an IGenshinDiaryInfo object

    NodeHoyoError when the uid or region parameter is missing or invalid

    This method sends a request to the Genshin Impact API to get the daily note information for a user. The user's region and UID must be set before calling this method, otherwise an error will be thrown.