Class GenshinRecordModuleInternal

GenshinRecordModule class provides methods to interact with Genshin Impact's record module endpoints.



  • Retrieves the Genshin characters of the user.

    Returns Promise<IGenshinCharacters>

    A Promise that contains the Genshin characters object.

    If UID parameter is missing or failed to be filled.

    This method sends a request to the Genshin Impact API to get the daily note information for a user. The user's region and UID must be set before calling this method, otherwise an error will be thrown.

  • Returns the summary information of Genshin Impact game characters.


    • characterIds: number[]

      An array of character IDs to retrieve the summary information for.

    Returns Promise<IGenshinCharacterSummary>

    A Promise that resolves to an object containing the summary information of the characters.

    Throws an error if the UID parameter is missing or failed to be filled.

    This method sends a request to the Genshin Impact API to get the daily note information for a user. The user's region and UID must be set before calling this method, otherwise an error will be thrown.

  • Retrieve the daily note information for a Genshin Impact user.

    Returns Promise<IGenshinDailyNote>

    The daily note information.

    if the UID parameter is missing or failed to be filled.

    This method sends a request to the Genshin Impact API to get the daily note information for a user. The user's region and UID must be set before calling this method, otherwise an error will be thrown.

  • Get user's Genshin Impact record

    Returns Promise<IGenshinRecord>

    • User's Genshin Impact record

    If UID parameter is missing or failed to be filled

    This method sends a request to the Genshin Impact API to get the daily note information for a user. The user's region and UID must be set before calling this method, otherwise an error will be thrown.

  • Retrieves information about the player's performance in the Spiral Abyss.


    • scheduleType: SpiralAbyssScheduleEnum = SpiralAbyssScheduleEnum.CURRENT

      The schedule type of the Abyss, either CURRENT or PREVIOUS.

    Returns Promise<IGenshinSpiralAbyss>

    A Promise that resolves with an object containing the player's Spiral Abyss data.

    if UID parameter is missing or failed to be filled, or if the given scheduleType parameter is invalid.

    This method sends a request to the Genshin Impact API to get the daily note information for a user. The user's region and UID must be set before calling this method, otherwise an error will be thrown.