Class ZZZRecordModuleInternal

HSRRecordModule class provides methods to interact with Honkai Star Rail record module endpoints.



  • Retrieves information about the player's performance in the specified abyss type.


    • abyssType: ZZZAbyssType = 'WitheringGarden'

      The type of abyss to retrieve information for. Defaults to 'WitheringGarden'.

    Returns Promise<ZZZAbyss>

    A Promise that resolves with an object containing the player's abyss data.

    if UID parameter is missing or failed to be filled, or if the given abyss type parameter is invalid.

    if failed to retrieve data, please double-check the provided UID.

  • Retrieves the characters associated with the provided region and UID.

    Returns Promise<ZZZCharacterFull[]>

    A Promise that resolves to an array of ZZZCharacterFull objects.

    if the region or UID parameters are missing or failed to be filled.

    if failed to retrieve data, please double-check the provided UID.

  • Retrieves the URL of a character's avatar based on the provided avatar ID.


    • avatarId: number

      The ID of the character's avatar.

    Returns ZZZAvatar

    The URL of the character's avatar.

  • Retrieves the hollow zero data associated with the provided region and UID.

    Returns Promise<ZZZHollowZero>

    A Promise that resolves to the ZZZ hollow zero object.

    if the region or UID parameters are missing or failed to be filled.

    if failed to retrieve data, please double-check the provided UID.

  • Retrieves the note associated with the provided region and UID.

    Returns Promise<ZZZNote>

    A Promise that resolves to the ZZZ note object.

    if the region or UID parameters are missing or failed to be filled.

    if failed to retrieve data, please double-check the provided UID.

  • Retrieves the records associated with the provided region and UID.

    Returns Promise<ZZZRecord>

    A Promise that resolves to the ZZZ record object.

    if the region or UID parameters are missing or failed to be filled.

    if failed to retrieve data, please double-check the provided UID.

  • Retrieves the Shiyu Defense data for the given schedule type.


    • scheduleType: ShiyuDefense = ShiyuDefense.CURRENT

      The schedule type of the Shiyu Defense, either CURRENT or PREVIOUS. Defaults to CURRENT.

    Returns Promise<ZZZShiyuDefense>

    A Promise that resolves with the Shiyu Defense data.

    if the region or UID parameters are missing or failed to be filled.

    if the given scheduleType parameter is invalid.

    if failed to retrieve data, please double-check the provided UID.